Calum Mackintosh

Calum Mackintosh

Calum lived life at 100 miles an hour, always looking forward to the next challenge, whether that was sporting, educational or fun with his friends.
Everything was done with a huge smile, right up until the moment he died, smiling at his friend.

We miss his positive outlook on life, his ability to include people in everything and his enthusiasm, but have amazing memories of all the good times with him.
In Loving Memory of Calum Mackintosh
Cal's Eulogy

Calum was… an annoying little twat; that was the first thing I thought of when I sat down to write this speech, but he was our annoying little twat. So I’d like to share a couple of Ewan and I’s favourite memories of him.

He was always a very determined person, and regularly liked to remind us of that. So much so, that one summer he locked Ewan out of the house. Without a key to get back in, Ewan was forced to get a ladder, climb onto the roof and break in to our own house via Mum & Dad’s open bedroom window. All of this because Calum didn’t want Ewan to have a sandwich.

As Lesley mentioned, he was awarded the Dux honour at school for his exceptional academic results, which came as absolutely no surprise to anyone who knew him. I’m under strict instructions to keep this particular story very, very short, but,  I think I’m right in saying that he was probably the only Dux in the School’s history to also have been excluded for a because of a practical joke he played during a PE lesson. The less said about that one, the better.

Last Christmas, we all found ourselves in Gran Canaria on holiday. It was the first time that as adults we were able to enjoy a night out – legally. As always, we ended up walking along the beachfront for a good 20 minutes so Dad can ensure that we’re holidaying “like a local”. As all Gran Can locals do, we ended up in an Irish bar. Amongst much hilarity, Calum, being the conscientious guy he was, made sure we were all thoroughly hydrated by getting in the shots for the whole family.

Later that evening, Calum had his first drag queen experience. A rather busty Drag Queen took a shine to him throughout the show, and she managed to con him into buying multiple rounds of shots for us all.

Eventually, we made it to dinner at a rather posh steak restaurant. We were sat on high stools for the meal, in view of the whole restaurant, and it started with, you guessed it, a round of shots. Who said our family wasn’t classy? 

By this time, everyone was particularly well oiled, but not quite as well oiled as Calum. His starter was evidently too much for him, and he took a spectacular tumble off his chair and landed with his feet in the air, much to the amusement of the whole restaurant, and the shock of the poor German family next to us… Any shots bought after this point had to be done out of sight of mum!

I remember thinking on that holiday how lucky we were to have so many more of these brilliant times to look forward to in the future, if only we knew! 

We miss you so much Calum, you may not be with us in person any more, but you’ll always be with us in our hearts, and in these treasured memories. We love you Cal.


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